Year 4

Once your child has been successfully registered with our school, he/she will be required to sit an initial assessment in English, maths, verbal reasoning and non-verbal reasoning.

Throughout the year your child will be introduced to the concepts of verbal and non-verbal reasoning and key areas of mathematics and English will be reinforced. It is vital that your child understands the basic underlying concepts in all four subjects in order to make good progress. We rely on your support as parents to oversee all homework assignments.

The syllabus is planned around the National Strategies for English and maths.

All areas of English are covered including different forms of writing, comprehension, grammar, reading and spelling. Homework is set in this subject on a weekly basis and children are expected to learn targeted spellings each week and read from a range of books provided through our popular book club.

In mathematics the focus is primarily on the four number operations, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. All children are expected to know all the multiplication facts up to at least the10 times table as well as number bonds to 100 and beyond by the end of the year. In addition these areas will be developed: place value, shape and space, mental arithmetic, fraction, time and problem-solving.

Pupils will be taught a range of strategies to help them to understand concepts behind verbal and non-verbal reasoning. Verbal and non-verbal reasoning will be taught alternate weeks with opportunities to practise at home.

We aim to ensure that key skills are reinforced, developed and any misconceptions rectified so that knowledge is secure and your child’s self- confidence high by the end of the year.

Barrett Hay Saturday School, St. John’s Pre School, Sylvan Road, Crystal Palace, London, SE19 2RX | t: 020 3468 4050 | e:
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