Year 2

Following enrolment, all children are given a one to one assessment in numeracy and literacy. The test will primarily assess rudimentary skills in reading, basic comprehension, creative writing, spelling and number skills.

We aim to develop children’s confidence, inquisitiveness and social and communication skills. Our caring teachers will work with your child to develop his/ her natural abilities by providing exciting activities through our excellent variety of resources that your child will enjoy. With copious praise and reward your child will experience success in learning and be inspired to try new things.

The year 2 programmes is designed to complement the National Curriculum and therefore provides important support for the key stage 1 SATs that usually take place at the beginning of the summer term. The class teacher will work closely with your child to ensure he/she makes good progress. Parents are required to ensure that learning is consolidated each week by supporting all homework and checking with the teacher at the end of each lesson on progress made within the lesson.

In year 2 we ensure that the children work at a pace that is right for them. The teacher will carefully match tasks to your child’s ability ensuring there is sufficient time for consolidation and transference of skills. Your child’s emotional well-being is crucial for effective learning; this is reflected in the small class size and the amount of individual support, care and guidance that your child will receive.

Barrett Hay Saturday School, St. John’s Pre School, Sylvan Road, Crystal Palace, London, SE19 2RX | t: 020 3468 4050 | e:
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