Year 6

Year 6  is arguably the most important year of a child’s primary school experience not least because it is the gateway to Secondary school. At Barrett Hay we acknowledge the many challenges that a year 6 child encounters. This includes in some cases, having to cope with sitting various secondary school entrance examinations, the pressure of SATs and the uncertainty of life at secondary school.

Our year 6 program is divided into three stages to meet the needs of our pupils at different points of the year: Stage 1 (autumn term) – 11+ entrance exams revision Stage 2 (spring term) – SATs preparation and Stage 3 (summer term) – personalised learning for secondary transfer.

11+ Entrance Exams Revision (Autumn Term)

Most secondary school selection tests take place during the autumn term. For children who have been with us from year 5 this part of the 12 week  program builds on learning in the subjects of English, maths, verbal and non-verbal reasoning. As well as revising key areas and introducing new concepts, teaching also focuses on exam technique and sharpening particular strategies and skills.

SATs Preparation (Spring Term)

Currently, all children in England are required to sit Standard Attainment Tasks (SATs) in English and maths during year 6. Our syllabus complements the National Strategies and helps to consolidate learning acquired in mainstream school. Our experienced teachers have expert knowledge of the requirements of SATs and are exceptional in helping individuals to achieve their targets over the 16 weeks.

Personalised Learning for Secondary Transfer (Summer Term)

In readiness for transferring to secondary school, the final stage of the year focuses entirely upon each pupil’s areas for development. With the support of their teachers, each child will identify weak areas within the subjects of English and Maths to improve on over the duration of the 8 weeks. This programme encourages reflective learning, encourages a healthy attitude towards setting targets and improves self-confidence.

Barrett Hay Saturday School, St. John’s Pre School, Sylvan Road, Crystal Palace, London, SE19 2RX | t: 020 3468 4050 | e:
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