
Barrett Hay believes effective homework is a vital element in developing pupils’ study skills and their ability to learn and organise themselves independently. Homework is seen as a key mechanism for extending and consolidating learning and for challenging pupils to think for themselves. It should therefore be taken very seriously by all pupils and parents.

Pupils are required to write a copy of their homework in their class planners. Homework will be a mixture of written and other forms it will aim to consolidate and extend work done in class or will involve effective preparation for the next lesson.

Homework set will bear in mind the ability of children. For example, this may require extension work to be set to stretch and challenge the more able. It is important that sufficient challenging homework is set for all children to provide a meaningful task.

Pupil responsibilities

  • To ensure that all homework is written down in the student planner
  • To ensure that you have a clear understanding of the homework set and what is required
  • To ensure that you take time and care over your homework to ensure that you perform to the best of your ability on the relevant tasks
  • To inform the teacher and/or Principal if there is a problem over any homework

 How parents can help

  • Encourage your child to adopt a regular routine so that homework can be done effectively and efficiently and so that your child has time to pursue other interests and has time to relax
  • Encourage your child to taking pride in doing work well and to the best of one’s ability
  • Please ensure that there is somewhere quiet where your child can undertake their homework undisturbed
  • Help your child to organise their time effectively, especially when faced with a number of different demands
Barrett Hay Saturday School, St. John’s Pre School, Sylvan Road, Crystal Palace, London, SE19 2RX | t: 020 3468 4050 | e: education@bhes.co.uk
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